April 27th-May 1st


Dear parents and students,

Thank you to those of you who took time to email back regarding the post on April 17th (Checking In). If you have not already done this, please do. Coming directly to me as your student’s teacher if there is an issue is a courtesy I value. As we move forward, I continue to adapt my practice to better meet your student’s needs. Please see the link to responded to my request:

Checking in

A quick note about my experience teaching grade 6 students and some of the observations you might be noticing at home. Usually after spring break my classes change, it seems to come with the spring season. Students in grade 6 are physiologically changing. I notice it in they way they interact with each other, their oscillating emotions, their capacity to deal with frustration and sometimes in the appearance. We would talk as a class a little about this so that no child feels alone. It is natural and normal! Since they are not in class those chats likely are falling to you. Please consider providing material you have vetted for your child to explore if necessary.

Know it is normal for students this age to have BIG feelings. Sometimes they are tearful, frustrated, angry or a bit down. They might be experiencing physical changes that are confusing or scary to them, or they might not be changing but notice others are and worry they aren’t normal. Their friendship dynamics sometimes shift too, this is likely exasperated by isolation. They continue to need to work on relationship with their loved ones, siblings and friends. Specifically it might be necessary to be accountable for their actions and words (even on the internet or social media they access). School can be a little challenging as they continue to grow during this time!

Please find the schedule for next week embedded here. I will also attach a PDF link for those of you wishing to print out a copy (please comment if the link is broken and I will fix it). Notice, I have created an assignment checklist for the end of the week to go through with your child. This information is available to all students directly on Google Classroom.

Peace and grace,

Ms. Froyland


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