A Few Reminders


Before and after school Drop off and Pick up:


As parents have become more comfortable with having their children at school, we have seen a rise in the number of students coming to school early and the number of students staying later. This is posing significant challenges for supervision considering Covid restrictions. 

On rainy days, students coming to school before 8:45 am will need to sit within a cohort. Sporting equipment is not available and students need to stay in their cohort until dismiss to the classroom.

HRA also asks that parents be diligent in attempting to pick up their children as quickly as possible at the end of the day. 

PE Gym Strip

Please check through your PE strip for a missing pair of black HRA gym shorts with the name Vincent/Bedford on the tag. The missing shorts were mistakenly picked up off the change room floor. Thank you!


This week, select students will be performing in Chapel. This schedule will alternate between our class and the grade 5/6 class. Not all students have volunteered for this position. Please check in with your child and check planners for the schedule (8 am practice and set up Wednesdays).

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