You have come so far: Notes from Ms. Froyland

Dear future grade 7 students,

You have made it. This year has been unique! I am so thankful to have been able to call myself your teacher for the past nine months. Know you have taught me a great deal! 

My student, may you grow in faith, wonder and curiosity. May you always love generously and learn constantly. Be safe this summer. Shine light in the world, do not be afraid. You are just who you need to be, who God needs you to be. Know your teacher is proud of you. Go in peace! 


Ms. Froyland


Dear parents of future grade 7 students,

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of teaching your children. This year, although did not unfold as we might have predicted is marked with growth from each of your children.

I have appreciated your kind words and the support you have offered your children as we navigated the uncertainty of these times.

Your children are remarkable. They will do great things, they are ready for the next phase of learning. Continue to encourage them to grow in independence and confidence. Believe in them, hold space for both their mistakes and their victories for there will be many. Help them to learn constantly and love generously.

Be safe this summer, explore, adventure and rest.

Peace and grace,

Ms. Froyland

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